Giant Mums, self-titled LP
The Mums'
first and only LP was recorded by Wharton Tiers at Fun City.
Listen here:
Sue (#17 Summer 1994, Steven Fievel)
"Not only does this disc feature some of the best song titles
around (We Made It Sing???), but it also features some absolutely
STUNNING songs. The Giant Mums definitely have an instantly identifiable
yet indescribable sound that is addictive...This one knocks my socks
right off. Simple, unadorned pop tunes...nothing short of sheer MAGIC."
(#20 Summer 1994, GF)
"Every song is a hook I can't shake. The exhilarating blast of
fresh air is that they aren't trying to be anyone else. Just having
fun and bringing us lonely reviewers along with `em. Not punk, but
little five year olds playing in the dirt with scissors and the good
china. I'm in love."
(#58 Sept/Oct 1994, Chris Crisafulli)
"The Giant Mums produce a thick, loose, fuzzy sound that seems
to be slowly oozing even when drummer Chris McCumber and bassist John
Tanzer keep the tunes moving along at a blistering pace. The lazy,
drifting vocal approach calls to mind the finer moments of the Meat
Puppets, and laid-back stuff like 'Sheep in the Blacklight Room' and
'Deny, Delay' also have a Meat Pups feel. But on a tune like 'Speedpills
Velocitous', the band can rock with Ramones-power. There are plenty
of post-punk squiggles in the Mums sound, but once in a while, such
as on the lysergic jumper 'Thread', they come off like something really
interesting from one of the Pebbles collections. Add it up, and these
guys have delivered a good chunk of demented entertainment. Pay attention
to future releases."
Press Guide to '90s Rock (1997, Ira Robbins)
"Compared to Airlines, the [Giant Mums] have stranger concepts,
('Minutes Later, Nothing Gets Out Every Stain' and 'Sheep in the Blacklight
Room' are only two of the odd titles on The Giant Mums; the
chorus of 'We Made It Sing' begins 'meow meow meow') as well as a
singular sensibility and, for the most part, an aggressive, jagged
guitar attack. Wharton Tiers' production makes the most of intriguing
compositions, shaping the band's fill-in-the-void playing and [Roby's]
singing into moderate wind-shear excursions that keep moving forward."
(c) 1992-2010 Quixotic Records NYC
Last Modified: December 27, 2010