1810 Sound...

...is the netlabel for the Upper Valley Psychedelic Continuum.
It is also the name of the mobile sound recording technology used by the bands and individual artists that make up the Continuum. It was founded in 1997 as a sort of imprint of the old indie label Quixotic Records NYC by the seven members of Together Market—the first band to make the journey from Manhattan (the“Island of Many Hills”) to the “Upper Valley” after the dissolution of all things Quixotic.
Upon their arrival in the rural uplands the band discovered a hidden yet vibrant local musical culture (they were not the first to flee the city); they set up their makeshift recording gear in an old farmhouse and hit the “record” button. Eventually Together Market split up, but new bands were formed from the ashes and found their way back to the living room studio (or the studio sometimes would find them).
The result of the last 24 years of steady work is a seemingly endless bounty of experimental music and sound recordings from nearly a dozen artists. We carefully select a precious few from the vault for public presentation, given as freely as possible depending upon the ever-changing nature of technology and the internet.
This Soundcloud page is currently the primary distribution platform for the music that has been produced since 1997. Feel free to request a download of any track. New and archival tracks are added every now and then, so stay tuned (all such news is announced through our Mastodon feed). Any questions? Contact us.
Thank you everyone who has taken the time to give our music a listen!
1810 Sound Official Mastodon Feed
1810 Sound is a production of Quixotic
Records NYC.
Copyright (c) 1997-2023 UVPC
Last Update:
May 1, 2023 |